Hey there, I'm Lyric, the developer of Quail.

I am very excited to tell you about Quail, a new newsletter service.

So here's the deal. I used to write on WeChat Official Accounts Platform for years. But something's changed, and I can't write there anymore. Tried shifting to services like Substack, but wasn't feelin' it (And my friends felt the same).

So, I was like, "Why not do it myself?" And that's how Quail came to be.

Here’s what I wanted Quail to do:

  1. Be open-source. Cause freedom rocks, and everyone should have the option to self-host if they want to. At present, some libraries and components have been published. The whole code base and contribution rules will be released in following monthes.
  2. Play nice with local editors. I'm talking Obsidian, VSCode, VIM — you name it. I am a user of Obsidian, so the Obsidian Plugin of Quail has beed released.
  3. Accept cryptocurrency payments. Beside credit card and e-payment, I hope it would support cryptocurrency as an alternative payment method.
  4. Support Telegram Channel. My friends are running telegram channel and discussion to get in touch with their followers, so Quail should be able to delivery via Telegram.
  5. And make it awesome for both writers and readers. The user experiences is so important, so I must improve it step by step.

So, that's my plan for Quail. Hope you dig it!