Boss 1: Jandice Barov

Pretty easy. I don't see any difficult here.. I defeat the boss at the same time taking over the right tower...

  1. Tomes are harmless.
  2. You don't need to take over the tower at the right lane.
  3. Always use Whelp eggs with flame burst to handle Abomination.
  4. When you've take over the tower at the left lane, you can attack the boss.

Boss 2: Rattlegore

We need to defeat the boss ASAP, because the numbers of graves will increase over time.

  1. Try to avoid the graves, and try to keep deploying minis at the most top meeting stone.
  2. Pyromancer with pyroblast is good to deal the things come from the graves.
  3. If you lost the control of the most top meeting stone, go directly to get it back so you do need to break too many graves.

Boss 3: Darkmaster Gandling

Actually we don't need to care about the portals which will transfer your minis to top right and left. The only thing need to remeber is using Whelp eggs to handle Abomination in the middle arena.