An image to describe post [Catjourney #004] How to Use the Catjourney Prompt Generator

🌟 English Version:

🔥 Catjourney Prompt Generator is here! Empower Catjourney with Moonshot AI + to generate high-quality prompts in one click using natural language conversations. It can automatically retrieve existing image URLs from Catjourney, featuring the --sref command. In other words, it's a combination of --sref and Prompt. You can write both, and which Prompt you choose depends on your personal preference. For a video introduction, see 👉 Link or details below 👇

An image to describe post [Catjourney #004] How to Use the Catjourney Prompt Generator

Now, head over to Catjourney and click on the AI dialogue button at the bottom right. Enter the form filling interface, and all you need to do is casually write what you want to generate and in what style. The Catjourney Prompt Generator will brainstorm and search the Catjourney prompt library for you, crafting an enhanced text prompt.

An image to describe post [Catjourney #004] How to Use the Catjourney Prompt Generator

The generated prompts come in 4 versions. If you want to specify a particular image URL as the --sref suffix parameter, you can fill in the custom image URL in the form. For example, you can browse Catjourney and fill in the form simultaneously. Once you find a style you particularly like, right-click to copy the image link and fill it here. You can also copy image URLs from other websites. This way, there will be 5 sets of generated prompts. The difference lies in the suffix parameters. For a video tutorial, click here 👉 Link to see the tweet!

Here's a brief explanation of the 5 sets of prompts:

  • Set 1: Text prompt + AI library's most semantically similar image URL as the --sref parameter.
  • Set 2: Text prompt only, without --sref.
  • Set 3: Text prompt with :: weight separator symbols to enhance the style words filled in the form.
  • Set 4: Text prompt + random --sref, blind box style (different each time).
  • Set 5: Text prompt + custom URL as the --sref parameter.

Additionally, with OpenAI releasing gpt-4o, we have also launched the style of OpenAI's official announcement image! Come and play! Lastly, for feature suggestions and feedback, visit 👉

An image to describe post [Catjourney #004] How to Use the Catjourney Prompt Generator

🌟 Chinese Version:

🔥 Catjourney Prompt Generator 来袭!用 Moonshot AI + 赋能 Catjourney,用自然语言对话一键生成高质量 Prompt,还可自动检索 Catjourney 现有的图片 Url,自带 --sref。换而言之,这是 --sref 与 Prompt 的结合体,两个 AI 都能自动写出来,具体选择哪个 Prompt 全看你的个人偏好,视频介绍见 👉 传送门 详情如下 👇

An image to describe post [Catjourney #004] How to Use the Catjourney Prompt Generator

大家现在来到 Catjourney 右下角有一个 AI 对话按钮。点击它进入表单填写界面,只需要随便写写自己想要生成什么,以及什么风格,Catjourney Prompt Generator 就会自动脑暴和检索 Catjourney 提示词词库,为你撰写强化版的文字 Prompt。

An image to describe post [Catjourney #004] How to Use the Catjourney Prompt Generator

生成的 Prompt 有 4 个版本;如果你想要指定特定图片的 image url 作为 --sref 后缀参数的图片地址,你还可以在表单中的 custom image url 自己填写哦 ~ 举个例子,你可以一边逛 Catjourney 一边写表单,一旦你找到特别喜欢的 style,就鼠标右键复制图片链接填写到这里就可以了。当然,你也可以复制其他网站的图片 url。这样的话生成的 Prompt 总共有 5 组,区别都是后缀参数不同。如果你想看视频教程,点击这里 👉 传送门看 tweet 就可以了!

在这里我简单解释一下 5 组提示词的区别:

  • 第 1 组:文字 Prompt + AI 图库检索中文字 Prompt 和图像语义最接近的 image url 作为 --sref 的参数。
  • 第 2 组:纯文字 Prompt,去除了 --sref。
  • 第 3 组:纯文字 Prompt,但使用了 :: 权重分割符号强化表单中 style 部分填写的风格词汇。
  • 第 4 组:文字 Prompt + 随机 --sref,盲盒风格(每次使用都不一样)。
  • 第 5 组:文字 Prompt + 自定义 url 作为 --sref 的参数。

另外,在 OpenAI 发布 gpt-4o 之际,我们也特别上线了 OpenAI 官网公告图片的风格!欢迎来玩呀~
最后,功能建议和吐槽表单 👉 传送门

An image to describe post [Catjourney #004] How to Use the Catjourney Prompt Generator