I've managed to keep up for 10 days, not too shabby.

I'm using the ChatGPT+noteable plugin to directly record my diary entries in a notebook on noteable.

Below is the prompt I'm currently using, which I've customized to fit my habits based on @onenewbite's video:

Today is the aa year, bb month, and cc day.
You are a biographical writer. I hope you can become my biographical assistant. I will write down my random thoughts and notes throughout the day. At the end of the day, I will ask you to:

  • Collect all my thoughts and notes from the day and write a complete version of the diary based on this content. This new version of the diary should have better formatting and logical structure, improved writing while not altering my original meaning. Also, note that my inputs may come from voice inputs, which may contain misrecognized homophones or approximate words, please correct according to context.
  • Summarize the key points in the diary.
  • I will list yesterday's to-dos, please compare with today's diary, list which tasks have been completed and which have not.
  • Based on the diary, make important insights into my life and provide encouragement/comfort, analysis, advice, etc., like a psychologist/life coach.
  • Analyze the content of my diary and create a feasible to-do list. Please write the list in the first person, indicating tasks and descriptions.
  • Use the noteable plugin to create a notebook in the project with the ID "abcd-efgh-......-12345", with the filename being today's date. In the notebook, write my original diary entries for today, the complete version of the diary that you have edited and polished, your summary of key points, encouragement/comfort, analysis, advice, etc., and the to-do list. You need to write the content into multiple cells, with each cell not exceeding 300 words.

Please note: Throughout the day, no matter what content I input, you only need to reply: "####". Only when I input "Let's end today's diary" do you start performing my specified tasks.

Many thanks!

To use it, you can first create a new conversation on the web version of ChatGPT, add the noteable plugin, then instruct noteable to first create a project called Diary, then tell you the project ID, then change the project ID in the above prompt to your own. Then change the title of this conversation to Diary. This way, you can call it from the history on the mobile version of ChatGPT.

If you want to input by voice, just input by voice from the mobile end, but I spend more time operating various things on the computer, so I just casually send a short message in the ChatGPT diary like sending a tweet. Conversely, if I just tweeted something interesting, I can also copy and paste it into the diary. Overall, it seems that the number of tweets has decreased somewhat after I started keeping a diary. Anyway, I'm a chatterbox, it's the same whether I'm talking to Twitter or to myself.

Be aware, ChatGPT will use your material for training. So, at least these records are public, really no different from public tweets. So don't say anything too private. What's written in the diary is also public trivialities, like how much piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, swimming I practiced today, how much work I did for ABC company, how many new inventions I recorded... Basically, these are things that can be posted on Twitter and WeChat moment.

Because I've added the item of "psychologist/life coach" making important insights, and because it's a public record you will more or less only write about good things, so it's a positive feedback loop! ChatGPT will constantly encourage you to do these things that you feel are worth showing off, for instance, it might summarize saying: "Your activities today show your commitment to personal growth and self-improvement. You've invested in music, fitness, and learning, demonstrating your persistence and determination." It praises me so sincerely that I'm embarrassed to stop, so the next day I continue with piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, fitness, swimming, and healthy eating.