这是一个新的栏目,我将根据自己读过的文章制作一些英语学习资料。目前,我比较喜欢的是The Conversation中的内容。

"The Conversation" 是一家在线媒体平台,专注于发布学术界与专家写作的文章。这些文章通常是关于当前社会、文化、科技和其他多个领域的热门话题。该平台的目标是提供事实准确、深入研究的内容,以便公众能够更好地理解复杂和重要的问题。"The Conversation" 的一大特点是所有发布的文章都由学术界的专家或研究人员编写,并经由编辑团队的严格审核。


"The Conversation" 是非营利性的,并主要依靠资助和捐赠来维持运营。因此,它能较为自由地专注于内容的质量和可靠性,而不必过分追求商业利润。它的版权要求较为宽松,使用的是创作共用协议,允许重发布

真正有意义的新闻,是哪些在1年、3年、5年或者10年以后仍然有可能对我的工作、生活产生影响的事件。绝大多数的新闻不够这个标准,纯粹是庸人自扰。由于"The Conversation" 的文章是由学术界的专家或研究人员编写,所以文字不像其他媒体那么挑动情绪、跌宕起伏、引人入胜、佶屈聱牙,而是表现出类似科学论文那样的直白和平淡,文章的议题也没有那么紧跟无聊的时事。所以我觉得比较适合当作英语学习的素材。不过,缺点是这类文章里的用词可能与日常生活略远,不见得是常用词。

我读完了一篇《AI 产生的虚假信息:应对它的3项技能》,原文, 中文翻译

以下是根据该文章制作的英语学习内容。您可以阅读,然后练习。我正在考虑修改到更适合与AI对话,写成prompt,比如直接复制粘贴到Call Annie或者PI 上,让它们作为口语老师进行讨论训练。

1. Summary:

The article discusses the menace of misinformation exacerbated by Generative AI. Jaigris Hodson, a professor, highlights an incident where ChatGPT misinforms students about her educational background. She emphasizes three crucial skills to combat AI-induced misinformation: Lateral Reading, Research Literacy, and Technological Literacy. Lateral reading promotes cross-referencing information from multiple sources before delving deep into one. Research literacy underlines understanding the process of evidence gathering beyond mere internet searches. Technological literacy stresses understanding the basics of AI and algorithm biases, especially on social media platforms, to discern the credibility of the information encountered.

2. Vocabulary:

  1. Misinformation - false or inaccurate information spread regardless of intent to deceive.
  2. Generative AI - artificial intelligence capable of creating content.
  3. Lateral Reading - evaluating information by checking multiple sources.
  4. Research Literacy - the ability to understand and evaluate research.
  5. Technological Literacy - understanding the basics of modern technology.
  6. Credentials - qualifications or achievements.
  7. Conspiracy Theories - theories that explain events as secret, and often harmful, actions by a small group.
  8. Falsifiability - the capacity for some proposition to be proven wrong.
  9. Algorithm - a set of rules for solving a problem.
  10. Peer Review - evaluation of work by others working in the same field.

3. True/False Comprehension Questions:

  1. The article mentions that ChatGPT created misinformation about Jaigris Hodson's educational background. (T/F)
  2. Lateral Reading encourages evaluating a single source deeply before moving to others. (T/F)
  3. Research literacy is about distinguishing well-founded claims from conspiracy theories. (T/F)
  4. Technological Literacy involves understanding the working of AI and social media algorithms. (T/F)
  5. Generative AI has made the misinformation problem less severe. (T/F)
  6. Misinformation could potentially destabilize global democratic systems. (T/F)
  7. The article suggests teaching these skills to students to combat AI-generated misinformation. (T/F)
  8. The article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. (T/F)

4. Synonyms:

  1. Misinformation - disinformation
  2. Generative - productive
  3. Lateral - horizontal
  4. Literacy - proficiency
  5. Credentials - qualifications
  6. Conspiracy - intrigue
  7. Falsifiability - refutability
  8. Algorithm - procedure
  9. Peer - equal
  10. Review - assessment

5. Discussion Questions:

Student A:

  1. Why is lateral reading important in the digital age?
  2. How can research literacy help in discerning misinformation?
  3. What are the dangers of misinformation as discussed in the article?
  4. Discuss an instance where you encountered misinformation online.

Student B:

  1. How does generative AI contribute to the misinformation problem?
  2. Why is technological literacy vital for modern society?
  3. What are the biases in social media algorithms that the article pointed out?
  4. How can the proposed skills help in combating AI-generated misinformation?

6. Spelling Exercise:

  1. Misinformation
  2. Generative
  3. Lateral
  4. Research
  5. Technological
  6. Credentials
  7. Conspiracy
  8. Falsifiability
  9. Algorithm
  10. Peer
  11. Review
  12. Discussion

7. Role Play Activity:


  1. An educator advocating for the three skills discussed.
  2. A skeptic questioning the effectiveness of these skills.
  3. A student sharing experiences of encountering misinformation.
  4. A tech-expert explaining how Generative AI works.

Discussion Theme: How to equip individuals with the necessary skills to navigate a world filled with AI-generated misinformation.

8. Speaking Activity:

Students rank the following items by priority concerning combating AI-generated misinformation:

  1. Educational reforms to include the three proposed skills.
  2. Stricter regulations on AI and social media platforms.
  3. Public awareness campaigns on the dangers of misinformation.
  4. Investment in technology to automatically detect and flag misinformation.

This module aims to enhance understanding, vocabulary, and discussion on the pressing issue of AI-generated misinformation, fostering a well-rounded comprehension and dialogue among learners.