
Changing trends in the future of work 未来的工作的改变趋势
The state of work is changing.
The Future Of Work event starts tomorrow.

It's not difficult to see:

Hard work doesn't lead to more money (creative work does)

People have lost trust in schooling and jobs to secure their future

Remote work, freelancing, and the creator economy are growing exponentially

People like you are building hyper-profitable businesses with social media, technology, and a skill set

I've seen (and believe) predictions that AGI will replace a massive chunk of jobs in the next 20 years.

Even if they don't replace that many jobs, the work is already commoditized and replaceable.

We are in the middle of a purpose crisis, and the careers I see that persist into the future are:

Education – the optimal number of educators and teachers is 1:1, but we may never reach that many. 
20% of the population being educators (not trained teachers) around skills that increase marketplace status and value are needed.

Meaning – spirituality, philosophy, and self-actualization. This already composes a small fraction of the creator economy and will continue to rise profitably.
Intellectual – pushing humanity forward with technology powered creative solutions, businesses. Learning and exploration become key.
Others – physical experiences, urban design, and artistic interests like fashion.

You can work hard at anything but that doesn’t mean it’s useful to the progress of humanity.

The labor theory of value is that you should be paid for the amount of work you do.

To feel like you deserve something.

But that’s not how reality works.

Money is a unit of value. Value is a measure of how much people care about what you do.

How valuable you are = the magnitude of problems you solve, the results of the solutions you create, and your ability to get people to care about your creation.

If you aren't happy with how much you make, it may be time to take a brutally honest look at what you contribute to the world.

It does not make sense to pay someone based on the amount of work they do. It does make sense to pay someone based on the level of problem they solve.

Why? 为什么?

You only make as much money as other people care about what you’ve done within that year. That is, how your creation benefits them so that they use it to solve a problem, change their life, and bring progress to humanity.

Complaining about not being paid enough is not going to get you paid. In fact, it will probably get you fired or ignored. Or just hated by anyone you come into contact with because they are thinking, “Ok… what are you going to do about it?”

The only option is to take matters into your own hands.

The Irreplaceable Individual做一个不可替代的个人

There is a path to get what you want. You just lack the knowledge, skill, and awareness to forge that path. You just lack creativity.

You are worried about what will be relevant 20 years from now because you are dependent on everyone but yourself for your success.

Successful people aren’t worried because they understand what makes anyone successful.

The highest-paid earners are the visionaries, strategists, and innovators of the world.

The highest-paid earners are not those who work hard, nor smart, but leveraged.

These traits comprise The Irreplaceable Individual:

  • Self-experimentation – how to solve complex problems through trial and error and come to your own conclusions.

  • 自我实验-如何通过试验和错误来解决复杂的问题,并得出自己的结论。

  • Self-reflection – how to understand the motives of your mind, so you can understand the motives of others.

  • 自我反省-如何理解你的头脑的动机,所以你可以理解别人的动机。

  • Self-development – cultivating a valuable mindset and skillset that can help others.

  • 自我发展-培养有价值的心态和技能,可以帮助他人。

  • Self-reliance – how to get what you want by taking responsibility for the outcome of your life.

  • 自力更生-如何通过对自己生活的结果负责来得到你想要的东西。

  • Self-education – the ability to gather, make sense of, and utilize information on an unknown subject.

  • 自我教育-收集,理解和利用未知主题信息的能力。

  • Self-sufficiency – the ability to sustain one’s ideal lifestyle and acquire the resources necessary to do so.

  • 自给自足-维持理想生活方式并获得必要资源的能力。

  • Self-mastery – an unwavering dedication to the process of navigating reality.

  • 自我掌握--坚定不移地致力于现实的导航过程。

  • When you master yourself, you master the world.

  • 当你掌握了自己,你就掌握了世界。

If you want to become irreplaceable, you are required to become valuable.

If you want to become well-paid, you must convince people to see that value.

The perception of value changes as the world does.


How To Secure Your Future如何确保你的未来

Your skill set isn’t valuable if nobody knows or cares about it.

There are 2 issues here.

If nobody knows about what you create, it isn’t valuable.

If nobody cares about your create, it isn’t valuable.

In business, you need a product and group of people who care about that product enough to buy it.

You can place your product in front of people on the internet, but if they can’t see why it benefits their lives, they won’t care about it.

You can have what you believe is the most valuable product, but if you don’t place it in front of people, they don’t have a chance to care about it.

In relationships, you can place yourself in front of a group of potential partners, but if they can’t see where you fit into their life, they won’t care about you.

You can believe you are the most developed individual, but if you sit inside all day, potential partners don’t have a chance to care about you.

 From Dan Koe