WuKong:There are no shortcuts in this world. Every seemingly "free" gift actually has a price tag.

If you trust a horse to be free from reins, you will inevitably encounter disaster.信马由缰,必遭劫难

Talent itself is also a "curse", because talent itself represents a kind of creativity and destructive power. This ability must either reform everything and rebuild it, or it must be integrated into the current system and continue to iterate.


The starting point of the turmoil in the Heavenly Palace came from the "rebellion of the Royal Horse Supervisor": What's the point of the official title of Bi Ma? The famous note is that Qi Tian's will is not at peace.
而大闹天宫的起点来自于“倒反御马监”:官封弼马心何足 名注齐天意未宁

On the one hand, some people have researched that the ancient "Bi Ma Wen" was derived from "avoiding horse plague". In ancient times, monkeys were indeed raised in stables to prevent horses from getting sick.

Similar to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", there is a similar mention: "Mother monkeys in stables are plagued by horse plague."

Journey to the West mentioned:

The Jade Emperor Xuanwen selected the immortal minister by martial arts. Seeing that there were few official positions there, he asked Sun Wukong to remove the award. Wuqu Xingjun turned around and said: "There are many officials in every palace and hall in the Heavenly Palace. It's just that the Royal Horse Supervisor lacks a main hall to take charge." The Jade Emperor passed the decree: "Let's get rid of him and become a minister. 'Bi Ma Wen'." The ministers called Xie En, but he just sang a big song upward.

In the first stage, the Jade Emperor and others looked down upon the Monkey King and randomly assigned him a derogatory official position; but even under such circumstances, the Monkey King worked hard and kept everything in order. At this time, he was really distracted. Run well on the established track.

The monkey king checked the book and counted the number of horses. In this prison, the Dian bookkeeper is in charge of collecting and preparing fodder; the Hercules officer is in charge of washing the horses, tying grass, drinking water, and cooking food; It's still possible to dance during the day, and the guards are attentive at night: if the horse is sleeping, it will be driven up to eat grass; if the horse is running, it will be caught in the trough. When those heavenly horses saw him, their ears and hooves were all gone, and they were all fat and fat.

All this shows that he worked very hard and achieved good results. But when he went to find others to find out what the official position of "Bima Wen" was, the answer he got from others was: "No character."

"You look down on me so much! How can you coax me to raise horses for him when he calls himself king and ancestor in Huaguo Mountain? Horse raising is a despicable job for the younger generation. How can he treat me! Don't do it for him ! Don’t do him! I will go too!"

When Heaven knows that he "went out of Heaven for some unknown reason," look back and see if it's like what was reminded in "Under One Person": A talented person feels that he is being despised and stops doing his good work. . After defeating the self-proclaimed "Monkey King" and the third prince of Li Tianwang, when the heavenly court realized his ability, it "could only" give him an empty name: "Monkey King". right. Let's see, isn't this the biggest test for a capable but "rebellious" person?

The Jade Emperor immediately ordered Zhang and Lu Erban to build a Qitian Palace on the right side of Pantaoyuan. There were two divisions in the palace: one was the Quiet Division and the other was the Ning Shen Division. There are immortal officials in Siju who support him on both sides. He also sent Lord Wu Douxing to send Wukong to his post, and gave him two bottles of royal wine and ten golden flowers, so that he could calm down and make up his mind not to act recklessly again.

At this time, what Heavenly Court did was actually another dimension of connivance, not the real reuse or training of a "genius". Everyone knew the subsequent results.

An image to describe post 悟空:这个世界不存在捷径,每一份看似“免费”的礼物,其实都标好了价格。

In traditional Chinese culture,The five internal organs of the human body belong to the five elements: the black kidney belongs to water, the cyan liver belongs to wood, the red heart belongs to fire, the yellow spleen belongs to earth, and the white lungs belong to gold.

The Monkey Heart mentioned in Journey to the West refers to Sun Wukong. He compares the heart and lungs to monkeys, which govern the heart and mind and belong to Yang;

The liver and kidneys are compared to pigs, responsible for the seven emotions and six desires, and are yin. The spleen and stomach belong to earth and are used to reconcile yin and yang. Call it Sha Monk.

Patriarch Subhuti named it Wukong, which means that the heart is inherently empty. The heart is originally illusory and ethereal. If you think you have a real heart (not a heart), which can be relied on, captured, and harvested, then You are asking for trouble.

And Tang Monk accepted Sun Wukong and named him Xingzhe. On the one hand, Xingzhe is the Buddhist way of calling him. On the other hand, the "Heart Sutra" says that the five aggregates are empty, and the five aggregates are color, feeling, thinking, action, Consciousness; form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, and the same is true for feelings, thoughts, and awareness.

Many people say that Journey to the West is about how an ordinary person's heart can achieve nirvana and become a Buddha. I have seen other people's interpretations before:

At the earliest, Sun Wukong was the bute of Ma Wen, which implies that when a person just enters the society and cannot control himself well, he feels that his talent has been wronged after he has achieved a little success.

In fact, there are blind spots in the management system itself, as well as various hidden discriminations and hidden rules. After going through various hardships, on the way westward, we later discovered that Sun Wukong was leading the horse when Tang Monk started riding, which also began to imply , Sun Wukong began to no longer care about the role of the so-called "Bi Mawen", but focused on being a good person and focusing on the path of learning. Because of the general direction of learning, the unfocused and changeable mind at this time disappeared. Instead, Things will happen when Zhu Bajie leads a horse, but I won’t mention this for now.

There are no shortcuts in this world. Every seemingly "free" gift actually has a price tag.这个世界不存在捷径,每一份看似“免费”的礼物,其实都标好了价格。

Once upon a time, we broke new ground. We all think we are the masters of this new world.

But after many years, we will still find that the problems that existed in the old society may still exist in the new world, and it is impossible to do things that can be solved in one step.

Whether it is ourselves or the world, we need to gradually iterate on the basis of what our capabilities can bear. Anyone who wants to reach the sky in one step is delusional. We have to see how they actually do it.

In fact, many people have heard and understood this truth, but they have not thought deeply about its roots.

Since there are no shortcuts, it is necessary for us to think about how we should take the road of life. The previous points have been mentioned many times by many people, but life is like a long long-distance race. In the process of long-distance running, You are always likely to be attracted by the scenery on the road, stop to enjoy the scenery, or even participate in the scenery around you.

In today's society, there are many "free" things, including movies, TV shows, novels, animations, variety shows, the Internet, etc. Every seemingly "free" thing actually has a price marked on it. When you invest your energy in it, you consume your time and your attention and contribution as an individual. What does this thing bring to you? What kind of person have you become?


This question is worth thinking about when you are alone.****

In order to wake up batch after batch of young people who are addicted to the YY world. Of course, this is not to say that getting happiness from these things is wrong, but what I want to say is, when you spend your time on a certain thing, can you gain the power to grow from it? Or will you get lost in the "world view" created by this thing and become a slave who cannot think independently?

The important thing is, what kind of nutrition you get, whether it helps you to live a better life in the real world, and even a small improvement, is what I hope to see.